5 must have WordPress Plugins for Business Websites (My Pick)

Have been a wordpress developer for more than 10 years I came through development of several dozens business websites as a lead web developer at Webx99 a web design company in Patna which uses Open Source technology as it’s core development tools.
Today I am going to list top 5 plugins we use with every WordPress website design project for almost all kinds of wrodpress websites we develop from personal blogs to business website to Government Websites.
1. W3 Total Cache: Who dosn’t want their website to be as fast as the days when static websites were in fashion with all the power of wordpress website’s dynamic nature in content still we can use plugin like W3 Total Cache to cache dynamic information and optimise website to be served faster to users. The plugin supports CDN, Compression , Database Query Cache, Browser Cache and all modern techniques one can leverage within wordpress for faster website. There are other popular alternate like WP Super Cache also an option I use some time but I use Caching for all website’s me or our team at Webx99 design and develop.
2. Contact Form 7: You must have used or heard of this plugin if you are a wordpress developer even for a very short time, Everybody want’s a form on their website in form of enquiry form, feedback form or to capture booking data. This Plugin is used by me on almost all projects for simple contact form to sometime complex booking engine. This plugin supports normal html input fields to date, dropdown, file uploads and more.
3. Simple Light Box: Converting your old fashion ugly gallery to beautiful modern gallery with light-box effect can be done with this plugin, It’s simple and easy to setup. There are other plugins also available in wordpress plugin directory but I use this for it’s simplicity and support for current version of Wordrpess.
4. All in One SEO Pack: If you are worrying too much about good ranking in google and other search engines and spending lots of time modifying and optimising your wordpress website use this plugin which will come handy for seo purposes it has all tools for SEO like SITEMAP generation submission, meta tags optimisation and lots of more features. Just use the plugin as a tool for Search engine optimisation of your website if you want to do it yourself. Our company can manage all your SEO worries as Webx99 also offers SEO service in Patna and Bihar.
5. Imsanity: Name might not be clear but this plugin is essential for my all wordpress website project specially where lot’s of content to be created with time. You might have encountered situations when your website users (clients) in most cases don’t care for size of image they are uploading they would upload a direct shot image from DSLR with size sometimes above 20mb. This not only wastes the disk space of servers but also slows down the page load and consumes unprecedented amount of bandwidth. Imsanity plugin comes to rescue and will resize the resolution of image uploaded and will eliminate all such issue. We must use this plugin for news portals, blogs and in some cases with Photography websites.
There are many other plugins which I use quite often but they are not as common as above listed plugins and are for specific use cases. If you liked this article don’t forget to share it with your friends and you can also follow me on Twitter or on my linkedin profile.