Tech Mitra

Technology News, Tutorials, How-to

India to Bring Tablet PC under Rs. 1000

India and Indian’s are making milestones in IT industry, Just before few days ago Indian Engeniers from IISc Bangalore, IIT Bombay, IIT Kanpur, IIT Kharagpur and IIT Madras took part

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How To Get Your XP Product Code From CD

You ever Lost your product key? yes? Well today I would like to share a very handy tip that can save you a lot of time. There is a way

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How to Block A website in your computer

Just Open “Run”:::::(win+R) Type “Drivers” click on “OK” Open folder “etc” open “hosts”:::::(it’s type is fle not ICS file, because here two file named hosts) open with “notepad” Add this

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5 best and free antivirus software popular in india

Hello again my very precious readers, Let me start wishing you very happy Christmas and New year and I hope it will bring more technology alive to your life. On

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