Top 5 Cloud VPS Hosting providers in India

Is your website traffic growing rapidly and your shared hosting is causing trouble loading your site at the peak traffic hours of your website. You should be than considering a VPS hosting provider for your business website or blog. Today I would help you choose one of the best VPS Hosting provider in India, the list is based on my experiences of 7+ years of with different VPS & Cloud hosting providers.
There are few key things that differenciate as not all VPS hosting providers are same in price, performance or support. So choose the best from the list compiled here by me of best VPS hosting providers in India.
1. Digital Ocean
A company which launched back in 2011 and since it’s now became one of world’s largest cloud VPS service providers. DigitalOcean’s VPS in cloud starts at as low as $5 per month they offer SSD hosting and since their launch they have disrupted the whole hosting industry. Simple user interface, low price and solid performance both at the same time has made this company popular among developers. They have datacenters accross globe with regions New York, Singapore, Germany etc they launched their services last year in India with datacenter at Bangalore.
One reason that it’s my favorite is it’s extensive and large tutorial articles which makes it easy for beigner developer to start hosting app and services on their Virtual machines.
2. AWS by Amazon
AWS has been no1 cloud hosting provider in past few years it has wide range of products from CDN , storage, cloud computing etc. However AWS is little hard to be used by beginers, they are offering free uses tier for a year but the cost compared to Digital Ocean, Linode, Vultr is high to deploy services on AWS. If you are a beginer and want easy interface go with Amazon’s LightSail lauched recently whcih focuses to keep products simple and pricing are similar to other competitors.
3. LightSail by Amazon
The simplyfied version of AWS, aws is hard to use for beginer developers, recently Amazon Web Services has launched LightSail their simple pricing VPS services in India. AWS claims that the product is built on same platform of AWS they offer eye catchy price and simple Userinterface as DigitalOcean does. They have Singapore and Mumbai based datacenter locations which is good for websites with most users from India.
4. Linode
Linode also focuses good things and power at low price as Digital Ocean and Vultr lidone’s support team is also quick they are offering managed services also in case you need. Their plans start at $5 for 1GB ram config.
5. Vultr
Vultr a new venture recently gaining popularity as it’s breaking the rules of pricing with product configs similar to Linode and DO, Vultr is lowest price and in features compete directly with DO and Linode, Vultr’s 512 mb VPS costs only $2.5 the lowest in industry at the same time they offer good support and hardware are also latest.
If you are a pro developer to handle complex product configurations you can try AWS as it has a large cataloge of services however charges are little higher than competition. And if you are looking to start and finding value for money VPS hosting provider in India go for DigitalOcean or LightSail. If your budget is really low you should choose Linode or Vultr as they are best value vps providers in India both have data centers at Singapore.
Among above list of VPS providers I have used services or atleast tried all from the list currently I am using Digital Ocean and AWS for our website and client’s websites & web apps. I manage couple of VPS servers for different clients of Webx99 , Webx99 offers VPS Setup, Web application deployment, security, monitoring and other Managed VPS Hosting Service in Patna. DigitalOcean is the perfect blend of Simplicity, Performance and is best value for Price, You can try VPS service of DigitalOcean by signing up for them from this link whcih will give you $25 free credit.