Tech Mitra

Technology News, Tutorials, How-to

Hi friends hope you all are good. After a long time I am writing something on my personal blog. This time at very 1st I would like to tell you all that I was busy doing lot’s of New and Updating older website projects. But there was one special project on which i was busy a lot it was a project to develop a Software for a School at Saharsa named Shubhodaya Central School. I had to create a database system to View and keep records of students, teachers, make demand bills and lots more. Finaly I had finished this one project. I will tell you more about the all the features of this software which has been named as “ESAS” by our team which stand for “Expert School Administration System” perhaps in next blog post.
Except this I had done few web projects like which is a computer store at Saharsa district bihar. I am not very happy doing this project because of Clients attitude regarding payments. The client is miss guided by another local software engineer Mr. Satish of Star Soft. I respect this man but they want to do competition in our market even they have no good capabilities and experience in web field, what i think that they are good in software so they should be their. One Interesting Story about starsoft their official website is already down and website is not accessible to users for more than 1 month, than think what kind of web-service they could provide. In all these type of mess client always looses the bigger benefits and spoil their time. Good Luck to Mr. Satish and hope Mr. Nikun Tulsyan our respected client can understand all this.

Ok leave this all you should visit this project: