Top 3 Reasons to Add HTTPS to Your Business Website

Today I am going to list the top 3 reasons you should be using HTTPS on your business or personal websites, I won’t go very deep in the technical details of HTTPS or the way encryption works and keeps communication between your browser and server secure and private. This article focuses very brief about HTTPS and the top reasons you should use SSL protocol or HTTPS over the old http for your website.

What are the benefits of using HTTPS vs. HTTP?
1. It helps with the security of Your website: The https protocol scrambles the data say any input you make in browser or request any page from server while browsing website/ web apps so that it can’t be seen or read by any one between your Browser and Server. For example every request you make from your browser goes to server via your internet service provider or ISP which can tap in to the content been transmitted. Thus it’s secure to use https and not http which transmits information in plain text to server.
Google’s experts says even if you don’t ask for sensitive information on your business website even than you should be using HTTPS to protect users privacy and any exchange of information between your website’s users and you. So HTTPS will help you with the security of your users and server.
2. HTTPS is good for SEO and helps you rank higher: Experts from SEO industry has confirmed that having a Secured site (Using HTTPS) helps your website rank higher in Search results by search engines. Google loves and gives priority to websites using SSL/ HTTPS over the http protocol. So if you are a business website owner and is focusing to get your website rank good in search engines setup HTTPS on your website. Recently google search started demoting non https websites in search results and also displays warning in browser address bar.

3. Many Advanced Web Technology requires HTTPS: If you are in serious about search result, website visibility and security of your website using HTTPS is must as even many browser features like PWA (Progressive web apps ) & even google’s AMP (Faster and lightweight website framework by google) requires you to have ssl/ https enabled on your website to leverage many features.
To use users location api or send push notification in browser you must use HTTPS as service workers which is required component for PWA to work.
As conclusion if you are still using the http on your website and have not setup https on your website ask your developer/ agency to implement it. My web development agency in patna bihar has started offering free HTTPS support with our website packages to our all customers.
You can use a purchased ssl or free ssl certificate from Let’s encrypt to secure your website. If you are having your website already and want help related to web security server management etc you can always reach me or ask question on my twitter handle ( ).