Tech Mitra

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Understand Types of Web Hosting, Web Hosting Comparison

Hi all my friends, fans & followers I know many of you understand web hosting services which is needed to host a website. Web hosting services enables your website to be served via web server which is kept at data centers. I know many of you are aware of different types of Web Hosting Services which is differentiated by the server availability, capacity, reliability & more properties.

Main Type of Web Hosting Service:

  • Shared Hosting (Most Popular, Cheaper less reliable For Small/ little traffic Website)
  • VPS Hosting (Costly than Shared Hosting, more reliable than shared hosting, For Medium Sized/ moderate traffic Websites)
  • Dedicate Hosting (Much costly, for large websites with heavy traffic.)

Easily Understand Hosting Types via Following Info-graphic:

Types Of Web Hosting
Types Of Web Hosting

Now I believe you got the differences between Shared Hosting, VPS Hosting & Dedicated Hosting. I request you to drop your view about this article in comment as you know I love reading comments. Further if you own a domain name and need web hosting service to bring your website online, I recommend you to buy web hosting from Webx99 known best web hosting company in Patna Bihar since 2007.