Well I am back at my blog

Ye It’s a long time I had written a blog post here at my blog, It was good when I used to write something on category that I work on or I face in my life style. As the last blog post published here says that I had written a post about a free and great software NITRO Reader that is a PDF file reader and a PDF writer / Printer as well. During these couple of months I was little away of my blog but people were still willing to read me and learn something that I have learned from some where and which is important.
So I apologies that I was out for a long long time, But no matter I was invisible from my blog but I AM BACK now. If you are wondering where I was lost, than I have to say that I was doing lot’s of works for my clients. As before the establishment of this blog I was just freelancer and used to do website projects for small business. But as you know quality pays for itself, I started receiving lots of requests for website projects from across and out of Bihar also.
I did many of them that I think I should do. Check out some of them at my Company’s website www.Webx99.com. Now I realized that only making money is nothing I should enhance my knowledge further and so I decided to make a good distance from client projects.
From now I will be paying more attention to improve my skills and I am also involving my self in some research works.
Stay Tuned, I will stay close to all you via my Blog.
Vivek Kumar. Director/Founder www.Webx99.com